Collection: APRIL 2021 Drop

This is one of our sickest drops to date. For real.
When we announced the transition to HYBRID Legacy we knew we had to live up to our name. We had to reach a whole new level to reflect what this brand stands for.
We're not satisfied with "meh designs". We're not settling for "oh that's pretty cool" items. We're blowing the doors off with every single apparel drop. It's that simple.
Our sweet lips crew neck design is POPPIN' with the sick print and sleeve accents. We got two angel inspired t-shirt designs we know are gonna fly out our warehouse.
Whenever we drop a new pair of shorts the HYBRID Legacy fam lose their minds. It's like they have magical powers to add 50lbs to your squat. We can't confirm or deny that's true. But we CAN confirm you will look dope with our chain design whether you're working out or catching rays.
And finally, our racer hoodie with the sleeve decal is scientifically proven to be the fastest way to look dope. Just slide it over your noggin' and BAM, you're instantly 10x cooler. This drop has had a ton of hype on Instagram .
So act fast, scroll down and grab whatever pops off the page and into your closet
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